Tight Hips and Hip Flexor MYTHS DEBUNKED!

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I love that I feel stronger than I have in years. And a really big thing to me is my balance is so much better. Last winter I felt like I was getting old and falling apart. I have a much better outlook now. And: I have a great riding partnership with my mare now and feel confident in the saddle again! Thank you, Jana
MissyAll Around Rider
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First beautiful spring day Saturday since starting my journey to rebalance and reset my body just 4 days ago!. Spring cleaned stalls and barn. Did I over do it, of course. I was so flexible and moving with such ease and energy it was too hard to resist. In the past it would have lead to a day or two down to recoup, stiff and sore. I did my exercises before bed and again the next morning. What a wonderful surprise, no stiffness, still flexible and balanced today!!!
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I rode scared for many years. I improved my body and self talk with Anna’s program. I fired my critical and demeaning trainer. My horse, Kingston, and I went back to really learn the basics. I learned to enjoy what I knew I could do. Now when I think of riding, I don’t feel fear —-I feel joy to get on my horse and play.